
Swarm queen free
Swarm queen free

One agent somehow managed to capture the queen bee of von Meyer's swarm, encasing it in amber and fleeing to the United States. Shortly afterward, the international police agency Interpol, in its quest to bring war criminals to justice, managed to track down von Meyer. Von Meyer claims to have used his powers to conquer, and at some point he must have developed giant mechanical bees that obey his commands. Thus, von Meyer became an aggregate being, a living embodiment of the swarm, with his own scientific mind added to the mutant intelligence of the multitude of bees. In the midst of his death throes, his consciousness shredded, dissipating into the swarm of bees. They began to swarm over von Meyer, killing him. However, von Meyer had erred, so that, while the bees were no longer passive, they were not in his control. Believing that a nearby meteorite bombardment had somehow mutated the bees with radiation, von Meyer built a device that he hoped would reawaken the bees' killer instincts so that they could serve him. One day, he found a hive unlike any he had ever seen- the bees exhibited no fear, an unusual passivity, and a highly developed intelligence. A world expert on toxic poisons and apiculture (bee keeping,) he continued his research on breeding patterns of killer bees in comparative peace deep in the jungles. Von Meyer fled Germany at the end of World War II to settle in South America. Fritz von Meyer was once a Nazi scientist, the details of which remain unrevealed, although it is known he had access to looted gold from countless European capitals to fund his research.

Swarm queen free